"Legends of Route 66" Receives Recognition From "US Route 66 Centennial Commission"
"Legends of Route 66" Receives Recognition From "US Route 66 Centennial Commission"
A truly unique show showcasing a "day in the life" at one of America's truly unique auto collections.
Starting with his father's Nash Terry has turned his passion in to the world's largest collection of Nash, Rambler and AMC vehicles. What truly makes it unique is each car has a story and no other car collection does it like Terry.
Ben runs day to day operations at the ranch. He is part of the fabric of this truly one of a kind experience and his knowledge and passion shine on a daily basis.
Daniel is the Rambler Ranch Art Director who's talent for bringing a story to life, is only surpassed by his bubbling personality!
Spend a few hours at Rambler Ranch and you soon realize this place is not a just a job; It's family.
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